import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import { subscription } from "~/javascripts/store/mixins/subscription"
import { metricsInPercentile } from "~/javascripts/dashboard/utils"
* @class Dashboard.SelectContextController
* @classdesc Stimulus controller that handles the buttons for the various contexts.
* @extends Controller
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "button" ]
static values = {
contextKey: String,
defaultContext: String,
storeId: String
* Subscribe to the store.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
connect() {
* Handles a repeated Turbo visit to the dashboard page.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
reconnect() {
if ("selectedDataVizData")) {
this.storeUpdated("selectedDataVizData", this.storeIdValue)
* Sets the selected class on the clicked button and updates the store with the context clicked and
* the data for the context
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
contextClicked(event) {
this.buttonTargets.forEach(buttonTarget => buttonTarget.classList.remove("selected"))"selected")
const buttonText =
this.editStore("contextSelected", this.contextSelected(buttonText))
this.editStore("selectedContextData", this.selectContextData(this.contextSelected(buttonText)))
* Get the data for the selected context. Also set the value to be used on the x axis.
* If there is no data for the context then return a dummy object in an array.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
selectContextData(context) {
let selectedDataVizData = !"selectedDataVizData") ? [] :"selectedDataVizData")
let contextData = selectedDataVizData.filter(data => data[this.contextKeyValue] === context)
if(this.storeIdValue === "builds_") {
if(contextData.length === 0) return [{ deploy_time: 0, build_number: 0 }]
return, index) => Object.assign(data, { build_number: index + 1 }))
} else if (this.storeIdValue === "vitals_") {
if ("frameSelected") === undefined) this.editStore("frameSelected", "daily")
contextData = metricsInPercentile(contextData, "data_float", 0.75)
if ("frameSelected") === "daily") {
if(contextData.length === 0) return [{ value: 0, day: 0 }]
const groupSumCount = contextData.reduce((acc , data) => {
if (!acc.get( {
acc.set(, { date:, metric: data.metric, data_float: data.data_float, count: 1 }
return acc
const dateContent = acc.get(
dateContent.data_float += data.data_float
dateContent.count += 1
return acc
}, new Map())
for (let result of groupSumCount.values()) {
result.value = Math.round(((result.data_float/result.count) + Number.EPSILON) * 10000) / 10000
return [...groupSumCount.values()].map((data) => {
return Object.assign(data, { day: new Date( })
} else if ("frameSelected") === "frequency") {
if(contextData.length === 0) return []
return => {
return { value: data.data_float }
* Use the button text to set the context.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
contextSelected(buttonText) {
return buttonText.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-")
* Triggered by the store whenever any store data changes. In this case it checks for
* selectedDataVizData to be set and then sets production as the initially selected context
* button.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
storeUpdated(prop, storeId) {
if ((prop === "frameLoaded" || prop === "selectedDataVizData") && storeId === this.storeIdValue) {
this.editStore("contextSelected", this.contextSelected(this.defaultContextValue))
this.editStore("selectedContextData", this.selectContextData(this.defaultContextValue))
this.buttonTargets.forEach(buttonTarget => buttonTarget.classList.remove("selected"))
* Unsubscribe from the store
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.SelectContextController
disconnect() {