import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import { subscription } from "~/javascripts/store/mixins/subscription"
import { targetLineValues } from "~/javascripts/dashboard/utils"
* @class Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
* @classdesc Stimulus controller that populates the mean build time per build context.
* @extends Controller
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "production", "deployPreview", "cms" ]
static values = {
loading: String,
storeId: String
static classes = [ "success", "warning", "error", "unavailable" ]
* Subscribe to the store.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
connect() {
* Handles a repeated Turbo visit to the dashboard page.
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
reconnect() {
if ("selectedDataVizData")) {
this.storeUpdated("selectedDataVizData", this.storeIdValue)
* Sets the text for the mean build time and changes the color to match the KPI
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
updateMeanBuildTimesValue(target, text, context) {
const meanBuildTime = this.calculateMeanBuildTime(context)
target.innerHTML = `${text} ${meanBuildTime}`
target.classList.add(this.alertColor(meanBuildTime, context))
* Sets the text whilst waiting for the mean build time
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
loadingMeanBuildTimesValue(target, text) {
target.innerHTML = `${text} ${this.loadingValue}`
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
calculateMeanBuildTime(context) {
const totals ="selectedDataVizData").reduce((acc , data) => {
return data.context === context ? { count: acc.count + 1, time: acc.time + data.deploy_time } : acc
}, { count: 0, time: 0 })
return Math.round((totals.time / totals.count) * 100) / 100 || "N/A"
* Remove all of the color classes for the mean build time
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
removeAlertColors(target) {
target.classList.remove(this.successClass, this.warningClass, this.errorClass, this.unavailableClass)
* Return the color depending on the time in relation to the KPI
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
alertColor(value, context) {
const lineValues = targetLineValues(context)
if (value == "N/A") return this.unavailableClass
if (value <= lineValues.successLineValue) return this.successClass
if (value <= lineValues.failLineValue) return this.warningClass
return this.errorClass
* Triggered by the store whenever any store data changes. Controls whether the mean build time should
* be populated or display the loading indicator
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
storeUpdated(prop, storeId) {
if ("fetchingDataVizData")) {
this.loadingMeanBuildTimesValue(this.productionTarget, "Production")
this.loadingMeanBuildTimesValue(this.deployPreviewTarget, "Deploy preview")
this.loadingMeanBuildTimesValue(this.cmsTarget, "CMS")
if (prop === "selectedDataVizData" && storeId === this.storeIdValue) {
this.updateMeanBuildTimesValue(this.productionTarget, "Production ...", "production")
this.updateMeanBuildTimesValue(this.deployPreviewTarget, "Deploy preview ...", "deploy-preview")
this.updateMeanBuildTimesValue(this.cmsTarget, "CMS ...", "cms")
* Unsubscribe from the store
* @instance
* @memberof Dashboard.MeanBuildTimesController
disconnect() {